According to the World Bank, in 2018, 1.1 billion people lacked an official identity that allowed them to claim their fundamental and most basic rights. As the global leader in Augmented Identity, IDEMIA is convinced of the need to raise awareness about the important role identity plays in empowering people in their daily life.
The recognition of September 16th as the International Identity Day will contribute to this goal. The choice of the date is in recognition of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” and objective 9 which calls for legal identity for all including birth registration by 2030.
Thanks to an official identity, citizens can exercise their rights and access to essential public services in a modern society, including health, education or financial services. Achieving this goal requires the record of vital events in a person’s life such as birth, marriage and death – i.e. a civil registration, which is a core function of governments. This is fundamental in shaping the future that will provide identities that can be trusted, used everywhere, in both physical and digital forms.
IDEMIA supports the United Nations’ ambition for a legal identity for all and is acting proactively in this field. The Group enables governments around the world to provide citizens a unique and legal identity from birth and valid throughout their lives, based on who they are, in other words on their biometrics. Alongside the coalition of countries, non-profit organizations and private partners calling for the recognition of September 16th as the International Identity Day, IDEMIA envisions a world where everyone has a unique and secure identity protecting individuals, citizens and their countries.
For more information about the coalition: https://www.id-day.org/