Changing perspectives for efficient, intelligence-led border control

By 2022, the new EU Entry/Exit System (EU-EES) regulation will require the biometric identification of Third Country Nationals (TCNs) at external borders of the Schengen Area. The face and fingerprints of each TCN will be captured at every border crossing.
Through the Smart Borders initiative, the EU will implement one of the largest biometric systems in the world. As a long-standing partner of the European institutions and governments, IDEMIA has been selected by the European agency eu-LISA for the design and implementation of the shared Biometric Matching System (sBMS), along with its partners Sopra Steria and Accenture. The sBMS aims to put an end to illegal immigration and cross-border crime, and will be used for the future EU Entry/Exit System. Within this framework, the first time a Third Country National (TCN) visits Europe, they are registered and searched in the sBMS. Using biometric verification, the authorities will be able to check whether they are the person they claim to be. Authorities will also be able to ensure that visitors do not overstay in the country. More than ever before, technology can make the world a safer place.
The new EU-EES will affect the border clearance processes for all member states. Stakeholders expect longer waiting times due to limited space in airports, land and sea borders, and the inability to increase personnel to process more TCNs. At the forefront of the European transformation for a safer continent, IDEMIA is fully committed to providing border control agencies and operators with solutions that ensure both security and convenience for travelers visiting Europe.
The sBMS is a new EU automated multi-biometric identification system for foreign nationals. It is a central database hosted by the European agency, eu-LISA. Pascal Fallet, Europe SVP in Sales Management at IDEMIA, details the EU-EES project timeframe, its impact on Schengen States and the purpose of the sBMS.
Each Member State shall develop and deploy a national solution to manage entry and exit movements in accordance with the Schengen Borders Code (EU) 2016/399, amended by the introduction of EU-EES in (EU) 2017/2225. Here are our top five recommendations to limit the impact on border control personnel and travelers.
IDEMIA’s EU Entry/Exit TravelKiosk™ offers fast and efficient multi-biometric capabilities, to make both the border clearance process and the traveler experience as quick and smooth as possible.
Land and sea borders are set to be one of the biggest challenges for the implementation of the EU-EES. Nelly Strady, Entry/Exit Product Manager at IDEMIA, tells us more about the different configurations at these borders and the tailor-made solutions that are needed.
To improve the management and security of all external borders, Member States can implement different methods depending on the crossing point configurations. Here is a snapshot of the implementation of an overall solution that is user-centric, efficient, robust and compliant with the EU regulation.