Protecting subscriber privacy and 5G IoT with tamper-proof secure elements

Over the last decade, digital technologies account for the most patent applications1. Breakthroughs made possible by rolling out 5G and the huge spread of AI in countless ways have led to a surge in patent applications. Every year, in France, INPI2 publishes the main patent applicants. The fact that IDEMIA has featured near the top of the Institute’s ranking in the last few years testifies to the success of the firm’s R&D strategy. This year, IDEMIA comes in at 30th spot in the Institute’s ranking with 63 published patent applications in 2019.
Research and Development has always been at the heart of IDEMIA’s vision. Backed by close on 1,500 active patent families in a broad array of fields including biometrics, digital identity, cryptography, secure elements, identity systems, security protocols, devices and smart cards, IDEMIA is a big innovator.
INPI’s ranking confirms that R&D investment is a core feature of the firm’s strategy and it has some 2,000 R&D-dedicated staff. The Group has a number of research hubs and centers of excellence around the world, particularly France in Osny, La Défense, Meyreuil and Pessac, and posted a 2019 R&D spend of €200 million. IDEMIA has decided to take advantage of this patent ranking publication to announce a goal to consistently increase the number of filed patents in its portfolio.
At a time when the pandemic means our contactless solutions have never before been so needed, we’re determined innovation will be our core strength and we reaffirm all our R&D medium and long-term goals. We will continue to massively invest in R&D including digital, the Cloud, cybersecurity, AI and innovative sensors, striving to develop solutions making citizens’ lives safer.
1 European Patent Office (EPO) 2019 Index
2 French national intellectual property Institute
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