Project of contribution to IDEMIA Road Safety France

Safran Identity & Security enhances convenience and security of its “Selfie-Check” mobile authentication solution

Safran Identity & Security is offering a new version of its Selfie-Check SDK (Software Development Kit) to enhance the accuracy and security of biometric facial authentication for mobile devices, especially in regard to liveness detection.

Upgrading its face recognition solution to the highest level of security, Safran Identity & Security is enhancing its liveness detection feature. When taking a selfie for authentication, users will be asked randomly to turn their head to the right, the left or downwards – or even a combination of all of these. By requesting random head movements, the selfie-check ensures that the user is a real and a live person, through a user-friendly interface.

Based on our extensive biometric experience and our strategy of constant improvement, we have been able to develop this next step in liveness detection techniques. The ability to recognize a living person considerably strengthens the security and reliability of a biometric system and reduces the risk of hacking and fraud.

Yves Portalier, Vice President & General Manager of the Telecom Business Unit, Safran Identity & Security

Visitors can experience the biometric SDK for mobile phones with enhanced liveness detection at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (Hall 6 / Stand G 30).

  • OT-Morpho - is now IDEMIA, the global leader in trusted identities for an increasingly digital world, with the ambition to empower citizens and consumers alike to interact, pay, connect, travel and vote in ways that are now possible in a connected environment.

    Securing our identity has become mission critical in the world we live in today. By standing for Augmented Identity, we reinvent the way we think, produce, use and protect this asset, whether for individuals or for objects. We ensure privacy and trust as well as guarantee secure, authenticated and verifiable transactions for international clients from Financial, Telecom, Identity, Security and IoT sectors.

    With close to €3bn in revenues, IDEMIA is the result of the merger between OT (Oberthur Technologies) and Safran Identity & Security (Morpho). This new company counts 14,000 employees of more than 80 nationalities and serves clients in 180 countries.

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