Facilitating biometric enrollment and ID checks with the ID Screen range

It is essential for officers in the field to rapidly identify potential suspects who have committed offenses, or who have outstanding warrants or a history of violence.
Mobile Biometric Check is an advanced mobile application to help law enforcement, border patrol and fraud investigation officers conduct identification checks on the go. Officers can use their smartphone camera to verify a person’s identity by matching their fingerprints or face against an authorized central law enforcement database. IDEMIA’s industry-leading face and finger identification system quickly returns search results for officer review.
Mobile Biometric Check uses cutting-edge contactless technology to automatically detect and capture facial images and fingerprints for rapid identification. This addition of advanced biometric capabilities to their smartphone will help keep officers safe when making identifications in the field.
It’s as easy as taking a picture: the Mobile Biometric Check application uses the camera in the officers’ existing mobile devices, features one-hand operation and requires no direct contact with subjects. The device vibrates when results are ready.
The Mobile Biometric Check application usage is protected through two-factor authentication, including a user-defined login and biometric verification, ensuring a secure process.
The Mobile Biometric Check application enables the use of existing smartphones, eliminating the cost of additional hardware.
Recommended devices include the iPhone 7 or greater, or the Samsung Galaxy 7 or greater.